New York

Hello everyone! welcome to the interactive learning environment for english learners. Here you will be able to view the video and follow exercises that will help you understand what you viewed. The viewing and exercises aim at extending your vocabulary. The environment is interactive because you will be asked to answer questions following your viewing and you will be given feedback during and after the exercises.

The lesson plan consists in viewing a movie entitled "Kindness matters." It will be played in English and the viewing will be under your control, i.e., you will have the ability to play, pause, rewind, and forward. The movie is segmented into 12 short video clips. You play them one by one picking a lesson in sequence. Each lesson will tells you what to pay attention to in the clip, and once the clip ends you will have the option to listen to it again, or to takes the exercises. Once you completed the exercises and is satisfied with your answers you can press the button verify to receive an evaluation. Depending how you make on each exercise, you will receive feedback that will help you improve you comprehension.

Ready to start? if yes pick lesson 1 in the lessons list